Campus for Communities of the Future
Campus for Communities of the Future
…collaboration, innovation and systems change

Step 2 Share Strengths and Successes

Once you have a small group of Collaboration Convenors the emphasis should be placed on building TRUSTED RELATIONSHIPS  while identifying strengths and ASSETS from among stakeholders, citizens, and potential partners. This supports the concept of building from assets (what you have) rather than a deficit or needs perspective (what you don’t have).

Planning for Step Two

Rather than building from the traditional ‘lack or needs’ perspective, an asset-based approach emphasizing strengths and successes will instead recognize the valuable strengths each individual, organization, or business could potentially contribute.By doing so, it suggests the solutions likely exist within the community of stakeholders and are not necessarily reliant on outside experts. This emphasis on assets means planning is initiated from a positive perspective. As such, it empowers participants, builds trust and relationships and, perhaps more importantly, reinforces the concept that the 'wisdom is within'.

What could this process look like? How can you encourage others to work from an ‘assets’ (rather than a ‘needs’ perspective) to view the glass as being half-full instead of half-empty? What facilitative tools or techniques could your team of Collaboration Convenors use to ensure an asset-based approach is applied from the onset? This step involves gathering information from the Collaboration Convenors as well as other stakeholders.

Note: This step could be incorporated into either the first or second meeting of the Collaboration Cohort. However, it is also important to note that it models a process that should be used when there’s a readiness to engage a broader group of stakeholders (see step 5).  

Tools for Sharing Strengths and Successes